Ever thought that you are studying some book and at same time you may be thinking of something else.How does our brain at one time think of other things also ?Do you know that our brain can also do multi-tasking just as computer does?
Actually our brain has tremendous potential to do different things at the same time ,we use only 2-3% of our brain in thinking.If we unleash this potential,our brain can do miracles that you may not have thought also.
So what do you mean by this multi-tasking or dual brain concept.I will explain you by simple example,you are reading some book about your studies eg science book or solving maths,at the same time you are also listening to radio or fm and at the same time you are singing the song which you are hearing.
So at the same time ,your brain is doing 3 things:
1.) understanding what you are reading from science book
2.) listening to song
3.) singing it
These are few comments from ma friend
Bhushan's blog ... After reading this post I would like to add some points.
The examples mentioned above say reading books, listening song, singing song, etc. are the active applications ... I guess there are many other
Background Applications which keep on
running like ...
Application to breath, to keep our heart running, to keep our blood moving and then some anti virus apps which run after regular interval of time like, we get fever to refresh our immune system ... etc.
Also, there is some very different thing in our brain which is different from computer is that
Every same task in an application in computer is done in similar way, but this is not the case with our brain, it does same task everytime in different way. For example,
Everytime you say same word it will sound different, there has to be some small difference ... but this is not the case with computer ... and this potential of our brain is the most important one which makes it powerful than any super computer in some sense.
Another thought which came to my mind ... to make computers work faster:
We do multi-tasking ... but we do not use some code/resources run for one application to be used by another ... say for example ...
I have two applications running like VLC player and Windows Media Player ... now both applications have same almost similar controls but computer has to execute two different codes to run those similar controls ... now if suppose if we just execute some code for these
Common Controls only once for these two similar applications we can make computer work more fast.
Similarly form ma friend's post example of revising previous lesson while reading current one can be a good idea, but I guess if
We share resources of our brain and learn, We can make that Learning more Effective ... For example,
If suppose I have read some lesson and I have understood and now I am reading new lesson and while learning this new lesson I try to co-relate my previous lesson somehow and try to remember and try to learn it; it will make my learning, remembering and understanding much more effective and in real sense and would make an individual's brain more sharp.
These are just ma thoughts, I am not a computer geek but I always wanted to be one, at same time I am a simple
Designer with Decent Creativity :)
Please do comment and let me know your ideas: